Friday, April 26, 2013

"It never gets easier, you just get faster."

Today I experienced this quote when I was doing my leg opener ride for tomorrow's race. I usually use Southgate Avenue as my leg opener segment. Two years ago I got my first Strava KOM on there, with a time of 5:19. So you could say it has some value to me.

I kept the KOM time until January 27 of this year, where I improved it by 11 seconds, with a time of 5:08. My goal was to get a sub-5-minute climb. But in March, during my leg opener for the UC Berkeley Race weekend, I was riding with Eric and attacked and practically time trialed/sprinted the flat section. Surprisingly, I found I had yet again improved my time by another 11 seconds, getting 4:57.

Then my first KOM ever gets taken away from me about a week later. The new KOM time was 4:45, something I wasn't too sure I could beat. So yesterday, knowing I would open my legs up on Southgate Avenue for Wente Vineyards, I compared my speed on certain sections of the 1-mile climb. In order to PR yet again, I'd have to climb fast on the graded part, and sprint fast on the flatter part.

So that's exactly what I did today, I cruised up the hill at tempo--close but not quite at LTHR, and then attacked where I attacked Eric, and then sprinted the flat section.

I felt like crap after, and was disappointed in myself because I couldn't spin as fast as I wanted to on the flat section. It was already painful to breath which is why I couldn't push myself anymore. Plus I'm about 4-weeks detrained.

So I continued riding easy until I got home, worried that my performance on Southgate would indicate poor performance at tomorrow's road race.

I got home and uploaded the Strava file, see the icon of the trophy with a (x1) next to it, scroll down and notice the KOM crown! I look further right and see my new PR of 4:12--a 45 second improvement from last time, and a 1:07 improvement from the first time I ever went hard up the climb.

Which is why they say that it never gets easier, we only get faster :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Crashed. My First Concussion Experience.

Yesterday (April 2, 2013) I did the TNPR(Tuesday Night Park Ride) at Golden Gate Park. It's one of the fastest available group rides near me and also pretty technical as we are required to weave past traffic combined with bad roads--typical SF riding! My teammates were going to be there so I thought I might as well try it--after more than 2 years of not doing it. Typically, Cat1+2 guys drive the pace and yesterday a couple of well-known Master guys were there. Just coming off from Hay Fever and allergies, I had lost a week of training plus I was still having trouble breathing from asthma. Needless to say, I lasted 3 laps and dropped out on the slight uphill part. I waited for them to lap me so that I could see if I can catch on and make the workout more productive, but again, my breathing limited me.

The Crash -
So anyways, I met up with my teammates Eric, Christian, and Bryan. We all got popped off and the ride had just finished, so we were all headed home. I separated with Eric and Christian and Bryan and turned left on the first left of TNPR going toward the gated entries and Polo Fields. I saw my car and shifted to the small cog on my cassette and I was already in the big one. I remember thinking to myself that one day I would need to sprint in this gear, or even a bigger one like a 53-11. So I was spinning in my 50-12 and gaining speed as it was slightly downhill.

Next thing I know, I see what seemed to be a pothole but in fact was very uneven pavement--a double dip in the road. It was so uneven that my bike's front wheel landed in the dip, and bounced out and went into the air. I hit the cement head first, and then I was out.

Next, I remember having a dream, that I was still with my teammates, and that I hadn't been dropped from TNPR. I was hanging on pretty well and then Eric said, hey dude I think you crashed, and then I didn't respond, I just said to myself in my mind, "oh good thing this is just a dream."

And then I open my eyes slowly to a dog in my face with two people around me. One guy was like "oh there he's opening his eyes" and I don't remember anything in between that until he said "I saw it said Philippines on your Jersey so I thought you didn't speak English because you weren't replying to anything we were saying." And then, "You were out for like 2 looks like you hit your head pretty hard" and then I asked "Uh-oh am I bleeding?" And then I took off my helmet and then they said "doesn't look like it, but your face is a little scratched up and your jersey is all torn in the back" and then the other guy said "your bike looks messed up" and I remember that the chain was off because it fell. Then they asked if I was on my way home, I told them that I was on my way to my car (which was like about 300 meters away). Then one guy said "you might want to let your friend drive you home" and then the other guy said "oh no I'm not his friend I just saw him fall." And then I said, "it's ok I have a friend with me"...but I really didn't--looks like I had forgotten I split up with Eric and Christian!

Next thing I know, my bike frame is in the back of my car, my wheels in the back seats...with the cassette covered with a plastic like I always do it--however I do not remember ever disassembling my bike, nor do I remember if I walked to my car alone or with the two people, or if I biked there!! I got into the passenger seat and checked if my bike was in the trunk--again! And then I saw my broken helmet, and threw it into the trunk--I have no idea why I did that. And then I called Eric but no answer, and then I remembered we split up, so I turned my car on thought I should talk to Eric to see if he knew that I crashed--because I thought he did, and then I started driving.

I believe I was driving perfectly fine even though I don't remember driving to Eric's house. I remember flashing my high beams Every time I was at a 4-way stop and gave the other car way. I also remember some of the car models I was driving next to--a BMW 3 series on the Great Highway, and a Honda Accord from Sloat to 35. I remember the scary left turn onto Lake Merced, and then my phone rang and I turned into the parking lot of Lake was Eric, and I said "Hey Eric did you know I crashed?? And he said he didn't, so He told me to come over (even though I was already on my way. I remember turning left going to Stonestown but then after that I only remember bits of moments driving to Eric's house.

When I arrived at Eric's house I told him what had happened. I called the doctor and they said to get checked the following day so I guess it wasn't really serious. So (today) I got checked and my doctor spoke to a neurologist and said if I felt nauseous or vomited to go to the E.R. Other than that, I have road rash on my right shoulder, a broken helmet, some dings on my sunglasses, a small dent on the top tube of my CAAD10, scraped brake hoods, and minor scrapes on my knuckles and legs.

For a first concussion experience, that was pretty strange. The fall itself didn't hurt, as I did not feel it. Concussions have the same characteristics as dreams. Events are all chopped up.

So I'm off the bike now, the doctor said to check if I can ride again in 10 days. Looks like I'm going to lose a lot of fitness, and might skip the Santa Cruz Crit, but I'm hoping I can be back on the bike a week before Davis, the Conference Championships, to tune up. Looks like I be a domestique for that race.

- D