Tuesday, June 15, 2010

April Goals and Aspirations (From Tumblr)

So the month just started, but I’m excited for this month? Why? Because this month will bring changes to not only cycling, but the other parts of my life. I’m single now, which means I can dedicate time which would’ve been used up, on friends, academics, and ultimately cycling :)

I also have some good news concerning my overall health. I weigh 115 pounds, which means I am 10 pounds off my “limit” which means i’m not afraid to gain 10 pounds of muscle mass for my upper body. I’m mainly working on the chest and the upper arms (biceps,triceps) and the shoulders. The rest of the body can be trained by the bike.

Still unsure if I can lower my bedtime, and get at least 7 hours of sleep. My optimal will be 8 hours of sleep.

And even though it’s on May 1, i’m excited for the Race in Los Gatos, i want to at least finish it, then get top ten, or better yet a Podium position.

Unfortuneatley, March did not bring great results, so i need to set the saem goals for March for April.
Here they are

375 Miles for the Month One
100+ Mile within 6.5 hours
27 Hour Total Monthly Ride Time
3 Interval Days lasting an hour or longer 20 Miles In Less than 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
San Bruno Hill Climb Route 18:10 or below
Strength Train Twice a Week
Time Myself On Canada Road Stretch

I’ll leave out aspirations because i’m too lazty to think =p
That is all!

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