Today completes the end of my 2nd year of Road riding, and my 1st year of racing. As far as racing goes, I only did 5 races, but I still call it a year of racing. But for 2011, it will be a COMPLETE year of racing. I like to think of this year as a beta year, or and introductory year. For 2011, it's time to get into the game, or rather, shift into full gear.
2010 was also my first complete year of riding, with a road bike. I did get my road bike in 2009 (April), but my riding wasn't as serious as the riding this year.
Also, 3 quarters of the year were completed without a training plan or training structure, and the last quarter was done with a training plan that was largely ignored, however the new training plan which started 12/6 has been followed and will be continued to be followed hopefully throughout 2011.
I also met a whole bunch of new riders, including a large batch of Junior riders. It was nice having more people and more new people on rides because it's a great way to see your ability compared to others. It's also a great way to exercise social skills and communication.
While I can say this year went great, there were a lot of things that held me back, which I will try to avoid in 2011. Social Life will have to be replaced with more Academic work in order to make room for training, and a relationship, which is unnecessary, will be impossible to squeeze into the schedule, which won't be too much of a problem until September when college comes.
2011 will be my 2nd but last year as racing Juniors, but I don't mind too much since I'll be racing in the Elites for most of 2011, especially since the current Juniors (17-18) have too much more experience than me. But that still doesn't hold me back.
But anyway, have a happy new year, and have a great 2011!
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