So, the bike shop installed the power meter within half and hour. Right after I left the bike shop, I made my way to a Barnes & Nobles to pick up a copy of "Training and Racing with a Power Meter" by hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan.
I got home, ate a little, and got ready for my first ride with it...well kind of. I got home late around 5, plus there was a chance of rain, so I attached it to the trainer, read how to do the easy calibration, zeroed it, and was ready to see my first data of power.
Before I got on my bike I modified the data fields on my Garmin to include 3s power. I have different one is committed to showing me interval values. But anyways, I made 3s power the most dominant field.
I got to ride for 40 minutes before I had to leave the house and didn't upload the file that night so the data itself is useless apart from helping me get used to this new foreign language.
Day 2:
This morning I read the first 3 Chapters of Allen and Coggan. I feel like other chapters would make more sense the more I train but I want to read it anyways so I can be ready. My perspective? There sure are lots of data and lots of testing to do. I'll be lucky if I can get the hang of training with power by the end of the season. In reality, I know the more I train with power the more it will make sense and the more easier the data will be to determine what needs to be determined, and I know that will take longer than just a season. But I'll be patient I think.
Also, the book talks a lot about V02max as compared to Friel's training bible.
I read 80 pages in less than 2 hours. I didn't even know I could do that. A homework assignment with 8 pages of reading is already enough for me.
I started a ride on the trainer at around 5 because it was raining. It was another recovery ride with some higher aerobic stuff. Soon I'll be able to accurately gauge intensity rather than just adding an adjective to the word "aerobic."
Anyways, it was a 1 hour ride with more useless data I don't know how to interpret, yet! I'm planning to do the 20-minute power test for FTP next week, which is a recovery week, so I'll be fresh and have a number of rides with the PM already. That will give me a better idea of how to use the PM more effectively.
Right now I'm a noob but I'm motivated to get the gist of it by myself (ok..maybe some external help at times).
-- DB
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