I'm pretty much finished with hard workouts, this upcoming week I'm going to finish off the last of my sprinting and Anaerobic intervals. After that, I'll just be riding easy to moderate base miles and I'm looking forward to the centuries I'll be doing.
This week was relatively easy and was almost like a full recovery week. Most of my rides were done at the San Bruno Mountains with another riding partner, Nolan, except for Thursday when I re-visited polo fields and golden gate park as well as Lake Merced, and Friday where Nolan and I rode to Woodside and back at an easy pace.
Saturday I rode with the big boys of our school's cross country team. They did a fairly good job keeping up at a pretty brisk pace, which I expected, since they do have a long history of aerobic workloads. Then we visited a little of the Brisbane hills and rode back into South San Francisco via Centennial Trail.
Sunday was a lot like Saturday except instead of finishing Radio Road we went into the winding and steep hills of Brisbane. It reminded me of European mountains because the roads were so tight and there were houses on the side. Only thing was, it was a bit steeper but very short.
Overall, I had a good easy week and I needed it after all the harder workouts done the month before.
Total Distance: 196.76 Miles
Total Ride Time: 14:16:48
Total Elapsed: 16:00:00
Until Next time, DB
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