Alright! Another week of cycling finished. This was actually one of my easiest weeks this summer because I was just building up for base miles. I mean, look at all that green! It was a good week also because I took two days off of the bike. Had I not, I would've probably gone about over 200 miles and 15 hours. However, I did complete my 2000-mile summer goal which was good for me!
Alright so Monday I took an easy ride just to get out of the house, Tuesday I decided to visit Old La Honda Road to set a new personal record, which was a success. I got 20:30 which was around 3 minutes faster than my old record. Wednesday and Thursday I went on a vacation with my family to Reno, which was a great refresh. Then Friday I planned to climb up San Bruno Mountain but the gate was closed so I continued into Brisbane and back to South San Francisco. Saturday, the big day, was when me and a few friends climbed Mt. Diablo for the first time! It was a great climb, not too steep, but pretty long! And Sunday I had a reunion ride with Kenneth, who had some off time too for about a week.
Total Distance: 193.39
Total Ride Time: 13:38:29
Total Elapsed: 14:45:00
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